STUD is ranked as 2nd best Hospitality School amongst private Institutions in the country and the best in STUD has continuously been ranked amongst top five private hospitality schools by in the country GHRDC since the inception of the ranking by GHRDC.which makes it one of the oldest hospitality institutes in this part of the country.STUD is the first private hospitality institute to get the coveted affiliation of National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Min. of Tourism, Govt. of India. STUD School of Hotel Management The Institute strives to inculcate discipline of the highest order which is pre -requisite for hospitality industry and with this purpose in mind.With immense pleasure I warmly welcome you aboard
STUD INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT-the largest Hospitality Management Institute of its kind in India, assuring a highly enriching and rewarding tenure.Hospitality Industry is ranked as the largest employer in the world offering a broad variety of employment opportunities in many different sectors. The Hospitality business continuously demands new services, new ways of presenting existing services and new ideas for enhancing the experience of their demanding clientele. It is in view of this and on the basis of the ever increasing demand for qualified professionals in the industry that STUD was established by skam Foundation.
The college is the self-financing Catering College in the state approved by the Government of India, and collaboration with the AMERICAN UNIVERSITY,WASHINGTON D,C. ( U.S.A )By offering training in international hotels abroad as part of the studies,STUD aims at creating qualified professionals in a globalised context. In view of the technological growth and development at the national and international level, the college has introduced many new facilities in the campus for operational efficiency and convenience.Thus the 100% Wifi Campus of STUD has become the first 100% CAMPUS among such professional colleges in the state.
The College has already been branded as a totally ALCOHOL FREE, TOBACCO FREE and RAGGING FREE CAMPUS.The College has also introduced the BUDDY SYSTEM, offering guidance, assistance and motivation by 2 senior students and a faculty, to all newly admitted students, for their exclusive personality and professional development. For inculcating a healthy competitive spirit in each student all are compulsorily enrolled in The ACHIEVERS’GUILD categorising them under Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond groups based on strict parameters. Elevation to higher group will attract more exposure and better opportunities even for employment.Students of STUD INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT also get a unique opportunity to complete their graduation partly in U.S.consequent to the Twinning Programme offered in association with American University in USA.
These students are thus getting an international training exposure during the course of their study itself.For our students the campus life is a period of transformation into a responsible global citizens, making them capable of facing the future with resilience and optimism. Therefore graduates of STUD are highly sought after in the industry and the work place, valued for their education, range of skills and professionalism.With this introduction I whole heartedly invite you to join hands with us, to strengthen your capabilities in order to achieve excellence beyond imagination.