
Madurai is a historical city where the 1857 uprising started against the British rule. It is the richest district of  tamil nadu in agriculture and occupies a leading role in the politics of TN. It has the added advantage of being close to chennai, our state capital and is well connected by road and rail.

In line with our philosophy that development is a continuous process a new institute building with ultra modern facilities in a 2.5 acre campus is complete and operational. It has properly laid out separate blocks with covered area including academic block, laboratories with most modern equipments, administrative block, two restaurants, separate hostel facilities for boys and girls, auditorium, staff quarters, guest house, play grounds and other facilities to make the institute an ideal educational centre.

The institute is providing high class education to meet international hospitality standards and professional competence of our students is appreciated by the industry both in India and abroad. We would be happy to have you join us to experience a quality education in unique, motivating and inspiring environment which will prepare you for a successful future.

The business management industry in the United States generated nearly $1.6 trillion in economic output in 2015. This activity supported 8.1 million U.S. jobs, and accounted for nearly 10 percent of all U.S. exports and nearly a third (31 percent) of all U.S. services exports. One out of every 18 Americans is employed, either directly or indirectly, in a travel or tourism-related industry. In 2014, U.S. travel and tourism output represented 2.7 percent of gross domestic product.

While the majority of activity in the industry is domestic, expenditures by international visitors in the United States totaled $216.9 billion in 2015, yielding a $61 billion trade surplus for the year. According to U.S. Department of Commerce projections, international travel to the United States should grow by 3.1 percent annually through 2020. The U.S. leads the world in international travel and tourism exports, and travel and tourism is the top services export, accounting for 31 percent of all U.S. services exports in 2015.
The business managent industry has emerged as one of the key drivers of growth among the services sector in India. The second-largest sub-segment of the services sector comprising trade, repair services, hotels and restaurants contributed nearly US$ 295.7 billion or 19.2 per cent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2015-16, while growing at 8.9 per cent year-on-year. Tourism in India has significant potential considering the rich cultural and historical heritage, variety in ecology, terrains and places of natural beauty spread across the country. Tourism is also a potentially large employment generator besides being a significant source of foreign exchange for the country.
The industry is expected to generate 13.45 million jobs! across sub-segments such as Restaurants (10.49 million jobs), Hotels (2.3 million jobs) and Travel Agents/Tour Operators (0.66 million). The Ministry of Tourism plans to help the industry meet the increasing demand of skilled and trained manpower by providing hospitality education to students as well as certifying and upgrading skills of existing service providers.
India has moved up 13 positions to 52nd rank from 65th in Tourism & Travel competitive index@. Tourism Australia expects Indian tourist’s arrivals in Australia to increase 12 per cent year-on-year to reach 245,000 visitors during FY 2015-16, thus making India the eighth largest source market for tourism in Australia.
Captain's Welcome

By Capt. Juraj Boroš,
the Director of Tatra Marine Ltd.
Lots of young people dream about working at sea and especially on cruise ships, but few can imagine what cruise jobs are really like. The reality is that candidates for cruise ship employment have to realise that they are applying for a job, not a holiday!
If they are accepted at their interview with a representative of a particular cruise line they cannot choose the cruise ship or the trading area but must strictly comply with the requirements of the Cruise Line which hired them.
New crew members on a cruise ship have to undergo some degree of training after joining the ship, and must accept discipline and various restrictions (e.g. not to enter the passenger area when not on duty). Their supervisors will expect them to work hard with a permanent smile on their face. On the other hand, cruise ship work gives young people a good income and the chance to visit a variety of beautiful and exotic places.
If you wish to know the sea, its beauty, colours and aromas, and to get a job on a cruise liner, all you have to do is to contact your nearest crewing (recruitment) agent and they will inform you about the opportunities, requirements and your chances of getting a cruise job.
After a phone call, if the agent thinks your chances are really good, they will invite you to a personal pre-interview at the recruitment agency. If you meet all the criteria and speak good English, you will be offered a registration and later you will be invited to specific interviews with representatives of the cruise lines.
At the end of the whole process is your embarkation on the designated cruise ship. You will work at sea with a good (but hard!) job on board the cruise liner. Of course, the sea is not always smooth and beautiful, it can be also dangerous and tough. You will have to deal with your ship rolling and pitching on the ocean waves, and with passengers who will be seasick and whom you will have to look after (or clean up after).
Interested? Then don't hesitate and contact your nearest crewing/recruitment agent to get a dream cruise job!

If you have an interest in tourism and travel, you may be hoping to find work in the airline industry. Since the airline industry is so diverse, there are many kinds of jobs you can find within it. Depending on the kind of work you hope to do in the airline industry, you may find a hospitality degree a helpful preparation.
When people think of majoring in hospitality management, they may not automatically think of the degree as good preparation for work in the airline industry. They may think first of work in lodgings or resorts, such as hotels, restaurants, clubs and casinos or other kinds of hospitality-based work include jobs in tourism, such as managing events, meetings or conventions. Travel agents often have a background in hospitality since their job requires knowledge so many elements connected to tourism. Since the hospitality industry includes such a wide range of jobs, from food preparation to managing a large-scale hotel, there is a big diversity of jobs available and they require varying degrees of preparation.
Just like the jobs mentioned above, there are plenty of jobs in the airline industry that require good skills in hospitality management. One important one is flight attendant. Like a hotel clerk or a restaurant host or hostess, a flight attendant is a “front line” employee in their specific industry, providing one of the faces that the public sees the most. Ticketing agents at airport counters and airline employees who staff lounges for frequent flyers or club members are also important hospitality specialists. Since longer flights often serve meals, some airlines also hire culinary managers to plan in-flight food service. These are just some of the airline-related jobs you can find with a hospitality background. They may particularly appeal to you if you like to travel or if you don’t mind living in or near big cities where major airports are located.
A variety of hospitality degrees exist, ranging from certificates on up through graduate degrees. The work you want to do will determine how much training you need. While a diploma or associate’s degree may be enough for some entry-level positions, you will also be likely be required to receive some direct training from the airline that hires you. If you want to get into higher management positions, such as working in the front office of a major airline, it’s likely that you may need a bachelors degree. Some bachelors degrees are tailored specifically for airline, tourism and hospitality and will help you prepare for such jobs. It is not likely you will need to get an advanced degree unless you discover you want to specialize in a given area.
The hospitality industry is large and growing strong. As long as people travel, eat and lodge, there will be a need for people to serve them in the hospitality industry. If you find the idea of living in or near a major city, job re-location or frequent travel exciting, then hospitality-based work in the airline industry may be a particularly good fit for you.
When working in the hospitality industry abroad you will be exposed to a fast-paced environment that lives and breathes the local culture. Not only will you be surrounded by local regulars, but you will also serve as a guide to other international travelers, allowing you to become an expert on the city in which you work. Since the hotel and restaurant industry receives a high volume of international visitors, fluent English speakers are highly desired by employers. Hospitality jobs abroad are both fast and exciting, and can easily lead to more opportunities to work abroad.
Working in restaurants abroad will expose you to new dishes and cooking methods, while the hotel and hospitality industry will allow you to live and learn about the local culture of making outside visitors feel welcome. Both industries focus heavily on international tourism, which means you will work directly with people from all over the world. Working abroad can be very beneficial for establishing a name for yourself as a chef, for example, or a great way to work in a hotel which you hope to work your way up in. Hospitality jobs abroad truly allow you to become consumed by the culture, as you work as a member of the community rather than a tourist. This provides you with the truest depiction of the culture, allowing you to get the most out of your experience abroad.

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